• KIXOsaka (Kansai)
  • CTSSapporo (Shin-Chitose)
  • SDJSendai
  • KIJNiigata
  • NRTTokyo (Narita)
  • HNDTokyo (Haneda)
  • NGONagoya (Chubu)
  • FUKFukuoka
  • OITOita
  • NGSNagasaki
  • KMIMiyazaki
  • KOJKagoshima
  • ASJAmami
  • OKAOkinawa (Naha)
  • ISGIshigaki
  • ICNSeoul (Incheon)
  • TPETaipei (Taoyuan)
  • KHHKaohsiung
  • HKGHong Kong
  • PVGShanghai (Pudong)
  • BKKBangkok (Suvarnabhumi)
  • SINSingapore
Pick-up Date
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Security On Board

In order to make your flight safe and pleasant, we kindly ask you to observe the following guidelines.

No-Smoking Policy On Board

Smoking and use of flammable items is strictly prohibited in whole cabin including lavatories, as these constitute dangerous fire-hazards.
Smoking include electronic cigarettes, smokeless tobaccos, other flame-free smoking products and any other smoking tools.

The triggering of smoke detectors is a serious matter leading to emergency landing at the nearest airport.
Tampering with or disabling onboard smoke detectors is a serious crime subject to fines and possible incarceration.

Restricted Use of Electronic Devices

The use of electronic/electric devices may interfere with the safe operation of our aircraft and is restricted on board, including while the aircraft is on the ground with the aircraft entry doors closed. Below is a list of electronic devices that are restricted by an ordinance of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism of Japan.

[From 1st SEPTEMBER,2015]

Devices that are prohibited from the time of closing of the door until completion of landing on the runway.
*An announcement will be made by cabin attendant.

Electronic devices below with setting that emit radio waves :

Mobile phones Radio control toys Tablets, PDAs
Wireless microphones Mobile WiFi routers Transceivers
Personal computers Electronic game machies

*Wireless communication like Bluetooth or Wi-Fi communication between devices that both are in the aircraft (ex. PC-Wireless mouse, digital audio device-Wireless headphones, between electronic game machines)that has no communication with the wireless base stations outside of the aircraft can be used all the time.
But wireless communication with wireless base station outside of the aircraft like mobile Wi-Fi routers or connecting to public Wi-Fi is prohibited.

Peach policy restricts the use of the following devices in the cabin :

■VHF scanner receiver (Airband Radio)*1

*1 It is difficult to distinguish from transceivers that is restricted by the ordinance above.

Use of Mobile Phones On Board

[From 1st SEPTEMBER,2014]

Use of mobile phones set to "flight mode" which do not emit radio waves will be permitted from the time of closing of the passenger door until the completion of landing on the runway.
*An announce will be made by cabin attendant.
Please refrain talking on the phone in the cabin.

[Mobile Phones for Kids]

Some of the mobile phones for kids available from NTT DOCOMO, au, and SoftBank have the "Power OFF Notification Setting"; if this is enabled, the phones may still switch on periodically and emit electronic signals even if the power is off.
Since the use of mobile phones that emit electronic signals is prohibited on board, please make sure to perform the "Complete Shutdown" or switch the "Power OFF Notification Setting" to OFF before boarding.

Restrictions on Hazardous Goods

We cannot accept any hazardous goods that are explosive, flammable, harmful to people or other items; they may not be checked in or carried on board.

Some items are prohibited from being carried on or checked in.
For the most up-to-date information, please check here.

Please note that any items you may be carrying that are designated as dangerous goods will be disposed at security checkpoints.

Stowage of Carry-On baggage

Please place your baggage in the overhead compartment or under the seat in front of you.
If the baggage is not properly stowed, the following situation may occur.

*Please note that if you are seated in the front row where there is no seat in front of you or at the emergency exit rows, you cannot place your carry-on baggage at your feet.

  • Causes of injury

Sudden impact may cause your baggage to fly out of your hand, injuring you or other passengers.

  • Hinderance of emergency evacuation

If your baggage scatter in aisles or near the emergency exits, they may hinder your or other passenger's evacuation.

*For Emergency Evacuation Requests, click here.

  • Hinderance of brace position for impact

It may be the hinderance of taking brace position for impact.

Brace position for Impact

In case of emergency, the following postures are taken against the impact. Please check the safety instructions card on board.
- Position: Lower your chin into your chest, bend forward and place top of your head against the seat in front of you.
- Arms: Place your arms beside your lower legs.

Brace position for Impact

Keeping Seat Belts Fastened At All Times

In case of unexpected turbulence, please keep your seat belt fastened at all times during the flight, even when the seat belt sign is turned off.

Passengers Seated in Emergency Exit Rows

Based on Japanese Aeronautical Regulations (issued April 1, 2021), emergency exit row seats can be assigned to passengers who satisfy all of the requirements below.

The passenger must:

  • 1. Be 15 years of age or older.
  • 2. Not accompanying children under 12 years of age.
  • 3. Not require the assistance of an escort or staff.
  • 4. Do not have to assist an accompanying passenger in an emergency evacuation.
  • 5. Is capable of assisting in an emergency evacuation, such as opening or closing an aircraft door.
  • 6. Not be pregnant with an expected date of delivery up to 28 days.
  • 7. Can communicate in Japanese or English.
  • 8. Can understand evacuation procedures and crew's instructions, and can verbally convey such information to other passengers.
  • 9. Can follow crew's instructions.

*Due to the physical effort required to properly assist the evacuation of an aircraft, it is recommended that pregnant passengers with an expected date of delivery of 29days or more and passengers who use a cane select a seat other than those in the emergency exit row.

You will be required to assist our crew members in the case of an emergency evacuation.
Our crew members will provide you the directions to perform some of the following tasks.

  • Keep other passengers away from the Emergency Exit Door until the crew member securely opens it.
  • Follow the crew members’ instructions. Open the Emergency Exit Door after confirming the safety outside the aircraft.
  • After the escape slide fully inflates, have other passengers evacuate as quickly as possible.
  • Assist other passengers after evacuating from the aircraft.
  • Direct other passengers to move away from the aircraft immediately.
  • Others (Crew members will instruct other tasks when they are necessary.)

Please read the safety instructions leaflet in your seat pocket at your earliest convenience after boarding.
Those who are unable to perform or who do not wish to perform the tasks listed above are not permitted to be seated at the Emergency Exit Row Seats. Please inform the crew member to have your seat reassigned.

*For FAQ about emergency exit, please click here.

Disruptive and Unruly Behaviors

To ensure a safe and comfortable flight for passengers on board, a law concerning the “prevention of passenger behavior threatening the safety of the aircraft and its occupants” has been enacted.
The following behaviors in the cabin are prohibited:

- Any behavior that threatens the flight safety
- Any behavior that may cause harm or damage to other passengers or properties on board
- Any behavior disruptive to safety
- Any behavior against rules

Under the amended Aviation Law stipulated during a regular Diet session, the following actions may result in the levy of a penalty of up to ¥500,000 against any offender who continues or repeats these actions after being asked to cease by a uniformed member of the crew.

  • 1. Smoking in the lavatory.(This includes the use of smoking devices that generate vapor.)
  • 2. Use of restricted electronic devices.
  • 3. Interfering with the duties of the flight attendants or the safety operation of the flight.
  • 4. Leaving the seat belts unfastened despite the instructions given by the crew.
  • 5. Refusing to return the seat, tray table, etc. to the original position before take-off or landing.
  • 6. Blocking evacuation routes with baggage.
  • 7. Unauthorized operation/displacement of fire extinguishers, emergency alarm systems, life jackets and other emergency equipment as defined in the ordinance.
  • 8. Unauthorized operation of the systems for controlling opening and closing of the passenger entry doors or emergency exit doors.

Please refrain from photographing or recording other passengers or crew on board the aircraft without permission, as this may cause inconvenience to surrounding passengers and may interfere with safety and operations.

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